who we are
One of the things that we are most proud of at All Star Hitting is our #ASHFAM, since we started this dream in 2017 we have received so much love and support from the Community that without noticing por Clients became por Friends and eventually they have become our FAMILY. Parents, Kids, Grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc have created an incredible bond with our Coaching and Administrative Staff making the training of our students more complete and effective. You may have the best coaches in the world but if there's not a good interaction and relation between Coaches - Kids - Parents everything that we do would be useless.
We take so much pride when we say that at All Star Hitting we work in a Family Oriented Environment, it gives us so much joy when Kids and Parents approach us as part of their family... it's really hard to express how we feel in words, probably the best word would be "BLESSED", blessed to have each and every one of you as part of our #ASHFAM, blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of our #ALLSTARKIDS journey, blessed to count with you whenever we have needed, we're so blessed!
From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU #ASHFAM! We couldn't have done it without you!
Jose Avila - General Manager